it’s time to dream again. it’s time to be the hero of your story.

Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark in the hopeless swamps of the not-quite, not-yet, and not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserve and have never been able to reach. The world you desire can be won. It is is possible. It’s yours.
— Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

When was the last time you dreamed of doing something extraordinary? We’re talking intentional time and energy spent dreaming of something audacious - turning your passion into a revenue-generating business, making a career change you’ve talked yourself out of time and again, going back to school to get an advanced degree, or setting a lofty financial goal that requires serious diligence.

It seems like so much life is in front of us when we’re kids; we dream of doing crazy things like going into space, becoming an athlete, gracing the cover of a popular magazine, hitting the runway as a fashion model, or writing a NY Times #1-selling book. But for almost all of us, something weird happens when we hit adulthood - we start “adulting”. Our focus strays from chasing after our wildest dreams to working 9 to 5s (as if that’s even a real thing anymore; don’t all full-timers work longer hours than that?), thanking God for Fridays (just so we can drive our kids to games and whatnots on the weekends), and happy hours any weekday we can get them. We replace “risk” with “stability” and “interests” with “to-do’s”. If we’ve done a really good job in our career and we save enough money, we might even be able to make it 10 years in a condo near the ocean somewhere (maybe?).

what happened to our dreams? where did our passion go?

If you live long enough, you’ll go through enough challenges and ruts that will sap you of your energy, time, focus, and perhaps most importantly, your passion. It’s easy to lose more than you gain - tangibles like loved ones, jobs, money, and homes, and intangibles like focus, commitment, humor, and courage. We’ve been there before and we know what it’s like to feel boxed in, like you’re in a tightly enclosed space with the walls and ceiling narrowing in on you and no windows to see the light of day. But we’re not in that place today, and you don’t have to stay there either.

here’s the BLUEPRINT:

Dream It. Plan It. Go after It.

  • Dream

    Put your head in the clouds and dream beyond the ordinary. What passion can you turn into a business? What bold, career-defining move can you make? What audacious financial goal can you set?

  • Plan

    Identify 3 action steps that you can take to get started on your dream.

  • Go

    Place your 3 action steps on a timeline with realistic target dates. Then take action!

This is your moment.

now, what are you going to do with it?

Many things in life summarily boil down to decisions - you either do or you don’t. Life has a lot of grey areas; decisions shouldn’t be one of those. You came across this site in one of 3 ways: word of mouth, a promotional link on one of our social media pages, or by happenstance through a Google search. You’ve read the words that led you to this point (or you cleverly skimmed your way through) and now you face a decision point - it’s put up or shut up time and you face two choices, both that will lead you to wildly different results. You can dare to dream for greatness, which will lead you to becoming the hero of your story where the days aren’t mundane and the result can be extraordinary. Or you can settle in survival mode, just trying to get by day after day, year after year, clinging to the idea that ordinary objectives will yield extraordinary achievements.

for those who dare to dream:

First, download your free Dream, Plan, Go guide

Then, submit a coaching request form

we’ll handle the rest!